Tuesday 9 April 2013

Steampunk Dressform

I have used the Steampunk Dressform and the Light Bulbs stamps designed by Sam Poole for this weeks DT creation for Creative Expressions.
I created a mixed media canvas board stamping the Steampunk Dressform and Light Bulbs stamps first onto the canvas using black Archival Ink.
Next I added some chicken wire to the canvas board and once secured in place I then began to add my embellishments, adhering with my hot glue gun. I also added dimension to the wings on the dressform, stamping onto acetate with black StazOn ink.
I added wings from Tim's Adornments Regal along with Mini Gears and lots of nuts and bolts from my collection.
A copper letter 'D' has been added to represent dressform and several flowers and Mini Numerals and a Faucet Knob from Tim's Idea-ology range.
A Word Band and a Watch Face Charm have also been included along with any of my rusty finds.
Once everything was secured in place I then spritzed with Dylusions Ink Sprays, taking care to cover the dressform image but allowing the ink to colour the edges so that my images blend into the canvas. Once coloured and completely dry I then dry brushed the whole canvas with Gesso to highlight.

Thanks so much for stopping by. Tracy x x


  1. Ow, ow, ow - this is so good it hurts!! Sensational work, Tracy - it just all looks so stunningly beautiful... a truly outstanding make!
    Alison xx

  2. fab Tracy, great recycling. your colouring is so subtle.

  3. This is a fantastic piece Tracy. Love the way you have created this and the wire with lots of metal embellis. Stunning and very inspirational.
    Annie x

  4. This project is stunning, Tracy, I always love the dressform and the combination of textures provided by the embellies, then the colouring on top, looks truly beautiful.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  5. Wow Tracy, gorgeous project ! Love all the texture and the stamping ! Sue C x

  6. My goodness, this has to be the ultimate recycle project when it comes to nuts & bolts n stuff! It's fab :-)


  7. Oh Tracy! Love this. Love Sam Poole imagery. I find myself wanting to pull rusted bits together. Thank you for sharing your gorgeous work with all of us!

  8. Wow! How good is that, love it!
    Amanda x

  9. A sensational canvas Tracy, so much detail o feast the eyes on and fabulous odours.
    hugs {brenda} xox

  10. This is amazing ! I love love love it ! Hugs trace x

  11. Gosh Tracy this is amazing! So much to see and I love that you have blended all the colours/elements in that way. Hugs, Jenny x

  12. This is wonderful Tracy, I love your rusty finds and the way it all looks so aged (In a good way lol) xx

  13. Flipena heck Tracy this is amazing! There is so much to see. I've looked at it several times, only to see something new each time. Defiantly my kind of thing. Would love to be inside your head, to get some of your fabulous ideas. Need to get in the old man's tool box! WOW crafty hugs Debbie R xx

  14. Stunning, with a capital "S"! Totally love this Tracy!

  15. Oh my word - steampunking fabulousness!!!
    The way the dressform is so distinctive but at the same time blends into the background is amazing and then all those details.

  16. Wahoooo, j'adore cette création ! Bravo !

  17. I have been back to visit this post so many times to leave a comment but each time I get distracted by the details of this gorgeous piece. It's absolutely incredible. There is so much on here yet it all reads as unified and your dress form stays a strong focal. Brilliant! I just love it!

  18. this is awesome! I love all the little pieces and colors!

  19. this is awesome! I love all the little pieces and colors!

  20. Awesome work, it inspires me so much! Love it!

  21. This art leaves me totally speechless. . . Wait, I just realized that Lynn above me said the same. So, let's just say it is AMAZING!

  22. Absolutely amazing, so inspiring. I am just about to dip my toe in the water so to speak, have been making cards, jewellery and scrapbooking for some time but want to move on to canvas etc so looking for all the tips I need. Thanks, Hilary
