Wednesday 28 September 2011

WOYWW, Its Been A While.......

................. since I joined in with the phenomenon that is What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday, the brainchild of Julia.  I feel like a good old nose today so thought I would join in LOL.  If you would like to join me pop by Julia's blog HERE for more details.
I took this picture this morning, my clock in the window has actually stopped, note to self put in new battery, keep forgetting!!  My desk is as I left it last night, I am in the middle of creating a few cards for Making Cards.  I still have some of my chunky ATC's in the window, still trying to decide what to do with those.
This is my desk a little further to the right showing my new printers tray on the wall, which as yet has not been filled with some of my vintage finds. At the bottom of my tray are some of my creations along with yet another set of draws for my embellishments.
And this is where I am typing this morning.

Thanks for stopping by, enjoy your Wednesday, Tracy x x


  1. Coo, a live post! It's good to see your tidy desk again Tracy!

  2. Love the look of your chunky ATC's .Havent yet tried making any but looking at those they look stunning.Grateful for any tips!lol
    Have good wedensday and happy Creative week
    hugs judex 13

  3. Your printer's tray and little chest of drawers are making me green eyed! Me likee :) xx

  4. Hi there. Bit of a flying visit from me today i'm afraid but I did want to pop on in. Thanks for sharing your creative space with us this week. Your creative space looks wonderfully inspiring!

  5. Very pleased you joined in this week as I wouldn't have had the chance for a nosey around otherwise. Love those chunky ATCs, not seen anything like those before. Agree with LunchLady Jan (above) about the set of drawers and the printers tray - very jealous now.

  6. Lovely tidy desk there - have fun with the article.

  7. Great to see you WOYWWing again and lots to see on your desk too! I adore your chunky ATCs and your steam punk card is amazing.
    Re the dressform on my blog... I have just painted over the grained wood with Pearl Dabber to prep it for Saturday's workshop. They sell them in Sue Ryder charity shops along with all their dolls house items.
    Love JoZarty x
    Are you going to Port Sunny? I am!

  8. Lovely work space so much room !

    enjoy your week x

  9. Love your space & the new printers tray - oooh the possibilities, tfs Jenny

  10. Oh there you are! You've been busy. And crikey Tracy, honestly, this is a breakthrough - I've never seen your desk looking so busy! Like the printers tray - chunky ATCs balanced precariously on top perhaps?

  11. You've got a lovely creative space here, wow! Your chunky ATCs are super gorgeous.

  12. You have many projects on the go and yet still a tidy organized space! Lovely!
    I will have to check back to see what becomes of your printer's tray and those cute little birdhouses!
    I am having a giveaway on my blog if you would like to come and enter!
    xoxo Karen

  13. Lovely to have you back and what gorgeous chunky ATC's you are showing us. I love steampunk!
    Thanks for sharing - #26 Neet xx

  14. I am in awe how organized you look. lovely projects in the go x

  15. You always have such a clean work area. Love that you shared around and highlighted some things!
