Wednesday, 1 September 2010

WOYWW 1st September

Morning all, time for another WOYWW and it's the 1st September can you believe it.  Time is passing me by so quickly.  Now I am at home I can never remember what date it is, sign of old age me thinks LOL.  Anyway if you would like all the details of this great phenomenon then pop over to Julia's place HERE.
On my desk this morning is a flower box which I am in the process of decorating for several challenge pieces.  I am a little behind this week as my children go back to school tomorrow so I have had lots to do.  I also have the Compendium Of Curiosities open again for a challenge and I have a Crafters Workshop Template to the left, I love these templates and as you can see I have used this one on my box.
A little close up of said box, which will be blogged after this post as all the bits and bobs are ready for assembling.  When I attend workshops some people have asked if I tidy up in preparation for WOYWW and the answer is NO, I am always like this LOL.  I tidy around whilst I am crafting and afterwards as I like to work in a clear space so I can see what I am doing, in my case it's called OCD.  Right off to make a brew now and assemble my box and then hopefully some gardening.  Have a great day everyone, Tracy x


  1. What a lovely box on your desk. I swear there is more going on this week than I have ever seen on your desk. Like you, I simply must clean up between steps in a process and between projects. Lovely and inspirational as always. Happy WOYWW.

  2. Such a lovely tidy desk with everything in its place. I am looking forward to seeing the completed box. It is a lovely colour to start with.
    Have a good day, Tracy!
    Sue xxx

  3. That box looks interesting, Tracy. Clean and tidy as ever, I see but if that's who you are, that's who you are, lol - wish I was the same. You accomplish so much. Look forward to seeing the work completed. Happy WOYWW!

  4. The box is looking great, will be back to see the finished thing later!!

  5. Lovely box and I agree, it is easier to tidy as you go. Thanks for sharing :-)

  6. I think this is quite messy for you this week!!!
    Looking forward to seeing the finished box.

    Happy WOYWWW......xx

  7. the box is looking great ... I admire anyone who can work like that, I start off with good intentions but it degenerates and I can only seem to create in mess.


  8. Really love that little box and look forward to seeing it finished.
    A x

  9. Hiya Tracey

    the box is looking gorgeous hun, it made a difference to see stuff on your desk lol :O) even then you are creating you are still so tidy with it lol

  10. Hi Tracey
    oh your box is looking gorgeous must dig my book out again,Have great day, happy WOYWW, sue,x

  11. I love a clean space for each project do ( am easily confused lol) it doesn't always work out that way but I have fun trying

    love Dawn xx

  12. Lovely so neat and tidy as always. Love that you can keep it like that.
    Kate x

  13. The box is super cute. Can't wait to see when it's finished! Thanks for the peek :)

  14. the colour of that box and the box itself is so lovely! will be popping back to see the finished article.

  15. The box is looking good and I don't suppose you can help being freakishly tidy, lol.

    ** Kate **

  16. the box is coming along nicely. and those houses on the easel look great!

  17. Lovely neat space and still the ethereal light shafting through! Look forward to seeing the finished box.
    thanks for the peek,
    JoZarty x

  18. gosh I envy you being so tidy, i work in total chaos and it does get frustrating, but I will never be tidy.

  19. Your space is lovely and neat - again! I am looking forward to your finished box! Lovely snoop!

  20. you are sooooo tidy, how do you do that? love the box.

  21. Lovely organised workspace. The box looks like a fun WIP.

  22. Nothing to do with age ... I am in my early 20's and I can never remember the day either ... actually that is a big fat lie ... but it was designed to make you feel better ... I can remember what day it is really :0)

  23. I love your box and your tidy desk.

  24. adorable box!! happy woyww xx

  25. Lovely box in the making there - cant wait to see it, you know how I love boxes! I still havent joined in with a challenge from the compendium of curiosities - maybe I should get around to do that soon! Thanks for sharing.

  26. Love the box, can't wait to see it finished. Happy WOYWW xx

  27. Your desk is always filled with such delightful projects Tracy, and today is no exception, lovely box.. any chance you can lend me your mojo for a bit lol

  28. Lovey desk Tracy, I love your house card on the easel too. Will pop back and see how the box turned out. I looked at TH book yesterday in a craft store and was surprised how small it actually is, it always looks bigger on peoples desks for some reason! It's packed full of good stuff though.


  29. Will have to pop back to see the box when finished, very tidy desk! (as always)

  30. Ooooh this looks like a nice calm area!
    I love the little houses on the easel - where did you get them and did you alter them????

  31. ooh Tracey I love that template, will be back to see the assemblage! Am so deeply impressed to learn that you have children and are still capable of maintaining a tidy space!

  32. Lovely tidy desk again with lots of interesting projects on the go.


  33. great desk hun and i have seen,your finished article and just totally love it just stunning wow,oh can you use,modge podge,if you do not have the Gesso hugs cheryl xxxxx

  34. That box will look gorgeous when it's done!

  35. Like the look of the box. I am trying to train myself to tidy up after each time I craft, not doing to bad so far....


  36. Lovely bright space, thanks for sharing :-)


  37. I am looking forward to that next blog.
    Luv Joanne xx

  38. love your crafty corner tracy ...thanks for sharing...hugs kath xxx

  39. ooh pretty, and you stole all the tidy genes with your OCD which must mean its your fault I have NO tidy genes? - 'cos you got them all!?


  40. wow your desk is lovely and that box is wonderful. Do I spy a very small telly? :)

  41. Very tidy as always! Lovely box x

  42. I love my chill out moment when I visit your desk!! lol lovely project on the go today too!

  43. Love the box it is going to be gorgeous, I can tell!! I also like to tidy up, mostly between projects, otherwise it all gets too messy to be able to do anything!! :)

  44. What a beautifully tidy workspace and I love the box. I'm with you on the CW templates. I love them too!
    Hugs Lisax
